Saturday, November 10, 2012

Butterflies in the air

Made my way over to the other side of the river yesterday morning to visit the Palazzo Pitti for a paper. Spent time taking notes and wandering around the Modern Gallery before making my way back to my side. I wrote my paper in a cafe near my apartment because I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate. I'm not complaining though, I had my first cappuccino in Florence (I usually just drink espresso) and a chocolate croissant. I met up with David a couple hours later to go to the oil shoppe, an incredibly delicious sandwich place! I got prosciutto, arugula, parmesan, truffle oil and mushrooms. 

Afterwards I had to go up to campus for a mandatory assembly known as Occupazione. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but every person I talked to did something different. Chloe sang english halloween songs at an Italian elementary school, people picked olives, made videos, went to a photography museum and I....danced. That's right, my class danced for 3 hours! I actually had a blast. The dance we did was known as the tarantella. It was an ancient dance performed in the south of Italy by women who claimed to be bit by tarantulas! Weird, but so much fun! I was going all out and it didn't hurt that I had a couple glasses of wine before my class! 

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