Friday, September 25, 2015


I am in the process of hiking all 46 high peaks in the Adirondacks. It's a goal that has been on-going for some time, and will probably take the next few years to complete. A couple weeks ago my boyfriend and I took a few days to go and get some peaks under our belts (well my belt, he finished all 46 at the age of 10 or something). It was a fun and arduous trip with lots of ups and downs. Highlights included getting into double-digits for hiked peaks, summiting my first mountain with a full pack, successfully opening a can of ravioli without a can opener while car camping, setting up our tent near a lake, drinking whiskey, listening to podcasts and going to bed as soon as it got dark. One of my favorite moments was after a 10 mile hike, stripping down and going for a swim in Heart Lake. The feeling of floating weightless after a day of trekking up and down mountains is the most freeing feeling. The low points included have to descend 2,000 feet in one mile with a full pack (resulting in lots of tears), losing our tent poles, and having to hike out early. Even though my boyfriend is a very experienced outdoorsman, trips like this show that anything can happen. It's always a great lesson in strength to push through the tough times and accept that out in nature, you relinquish a lot of control about your surroundings. Though we had to leave the woods sooner than we wanted, it meant chowing down on cheeseburgers and blueberry pie at our favorite diner.

Up next? I'm headed down to Washington, D.C. for Landmark music festival. I can't wait to boogie down to Alt-j, Drake, the Strokes, and so many more. Make sure to follow me on instagram for updates @foxtrailsblog



  1. Gorgeous photos! That's so cool that you aim to hike all of the Adirondacks peaks, I didn't know that was a thing! Have a fun weekend in DC! : )

  2. Amazing! I look forward to following your journey. I miss long hiking adventures and can't wait for my little guy to be old enough for us to do some together.

  3. What a stunning view!!! Have fun in DC x

  4. What a beautiful place to hike! Love the view.

  5. What a cool challenge! I didn't even know there were that many peaks :/ Your photos are beautiful - how cold was that lake??

  6. I would pay loads of money to swim in that lake! Looks amazing and so calm!

    Heba xx || The HebaBloglovinInstagram

  7. This is one of my goals as well! Congrats on getting some more down, these pictures are amazing! Thanks for sharing :)
    xo Kiki

  8. Wow, if it were me those tears would have resulted in me also giving up and jumping off a cliff bahahaha! Not really but I can imagine I'd need a hell of a lot of motivating. But it's all about the journey isn't it. And this one is definitely rewarding, not only in personal and mental strength but for the surroundings too


  9. Beautiful photos! Looks like a great time!!!


  10. Beautiful pictures!! Amazing ;)

    Kisses, ChicAdicta!

  11. Gosh the scenery look amazing. Wow enjoy your hiking and adventure and stay safe. Also enjoy the music festival down at DC and please blow Drake a kiss for me haha..

  12. You go on amazing adventures - such an epic goal you've set yourself! I did a 3 day hike in grade 9 with school, so this is just next level! The photos are incredible!

