Thursday, June 27, 2013


These pictures were taken last week when it was hot, hot, hot! Ella and I headed to Manhattan to walk along the Highline. It seems Ella and I were not original in our thinking, because it was packed with people! The highline is one of the most beautiful corners the city has to offer. These pictures turned out great, especially the ones of Ella - what a babe! The only way to beat the heat was to wear a short dress and stay hydrated with refreshing lemonade. We had to keep walking to experience a slight breeze, because whenever we paused, even for a minute, we were overcome with heat. The weather in NYC has been so muggy lately that it's hard for me to do many activities that involve leaving the breeze of my non-oscillating fan. I'm so in love with this dress that I got from Natalie when she was cleaning her closet. It has exposed shoulders and is the perfect length for days like this. (Truth be told, I wear it backwards because it fits me better that way). 

I'm headed off to Philly this weekend to celebrate the birthday of Katherine. It means I'll also get to see my brother, an extra treat. This weekend promises to be filled with overeating and spontaneous adventures.

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