Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kitty Cat

sheer cat top//american apparel, halter bra//free people, jeans//urban outfitters, flannel//boyfriend, sunnies//street vendor

Now that it's warming up, I find myself reaching into the very back of my shirt drawer to grab the itty bitty sheer tops that have been hiding all winter. This one in particular was given to me by Katherine a little over a year ago for my birthday. I wore this outfit with my jean jacket. While I was standing on the street a man came up to me and said "hey, I like your style! It reminds me of...well, me! Aloha!" Spring is making everyone friendlier!

Did you know vegan cheese has a very short expiration date? I definitely didn't. In an attempt to use up the cheese before it spoiled, Chloe and I made some killer vegan grilled cheeses with beer caramelized onions, sriracha and fake turkey (recipe will be posted soon). I'm going to start dedicating more time to documenting the food, especially vegan food, I've been making!