Wednesday, September 11, 2013


These pictures were taken late-night on the subway home after a party. They make me laugh every time I look at them, it could have something to do with the poster in the background or the fact that no one can hold a straight face. Either way, I feel like these pics are giving up some serious 70s vibes.

When school started I decided I was going to make some goals - new year, new resolutions. Not like the New Years' resolutions that only last a month, but practical ones. I still haven't given up on my New Years' resolution from last year because it was realistic, I didn't set the bar so high that I will instantly fail and feel bad about it. I'm also hoping that writing them down will solidify them in my mind.

My goals are:
1. To eat healthier. I know that sounds like a big one, but it's more of a mindset than anything. I want to make sure that at least one meal a day is something I can be proud of. I'd mostly like to become more aware of what I'm putting in my body. I'm taking a nutrition class this semester and I'm hoping that the foods I eat will start to be more well-balanced.

2. Get back in to yoga! Last semester I was doing yoga just about everyday, then summer came and well...there it went. My goal is not a number of times a week (it's doomed to fail), but just reiterating my last New Years' resolution to get more flexible. This goal means that I'm not going to feel bad about myself if I don't hit a certain number, or guilty because I've had a long day and just want to go home. It's about being in tune with my body and realizing the every time I make it to a class, I'm doing something special for myself. 

3. And lastly - to get out and do things in New York! New Year means new New York - new restaurants, exhibitions and there are always special places waiting to be discovered. Hopefully this goal will mean that I manage my time well so that I'm able to take an afternoon off to stroll through a museum or lay in a park. New York has so much to offer and see. This is my last year here and I don't want to regret not going places because I was holed up studying.

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