Friday, August 30, 2013


My blog got a facelift! I figured after a year it was time to change things up. Chloe's back in NYC! Since she's never been, we decided to go to Coney Island yesterday and act like kids. I did my usual Coney Island activities - massive beer, multiple hot dogs, the occasional ride. We also went to the beach. In the past I've gone too early or late in the year to have swimming be anything but an unrealized double-dog dare. I couldn't believe how pleasant the swimming was, despite not being a very beachy day. I wore this awesome kimono that gypsy-fies anything you put it over. Seems like summer is ending just as I'd hoped!


  1. Hi, I just moved to New York. But I've never been to Coney Island just yet. haven't really have time. I should probably try knowing that I have a 3 days weekend haha. Anyway, nice blog. Are you still in New York?

    1. Thanks for reading. I highly recommend Coney Island, it's a great day adventure! I'm still in New York and starting my last year of school! Great blog, just started following you!
